Oh the wonders of paying my bills online. No stamps, no worries right? Wrong. Some how I was tryin to pay my Chase credit card like $60. I thought I clicked and entered everything correctly. I went on my merry way, till yesterday at lunch. "I'm sorry sir you check card has been declined" What???? this is joke right, run it again, I've got over $1600 my account. "sorry sir it was declined again." WTF. So I pay with a credit card and proceed to call my 24hr teller @ Amsouth. " your current balance is OVERDRAWN $841 dollars" Do what!!! I'm thinkin somebody has stole my account info or somethin along those lines. So I push #3 for my last 10 transactions, ah ha, I'll find out what's going on. Bingo "electronic debit for $1,936" Think Mic, what is that, Damn that's my balance on my Chase card. Call Chase "your current balance is $27, avalible credit $2473" Double Bingo. Idiot. I swear, I made the online payment right, but I guess not. So child support check bounced and I have been charged $150 in NSF Fees. I had $500 in over draft protection which worked against me because they would not of paid Chase unless I had that. So today I had to now go cash advance enough from my Chase card to cover my checking acct, call the ex , hope she believes I still have a job, and let her know the money is now there. If you know Necia this is not an easy task. She's a show me the money kinda gal. lol
To some it up in a nutshell to save 37 cents it cost me around $200 and that to my $500 insurance ded for plowing mailboxes last week that's -$700 in two weeks just for not paying attention. Oh the beauties of online bill pay & overdraft protection. SCREW THEM BOTH!!! lol. No wonder I've made over two million dollars in my life and still almost living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe Kassi can staighten me out. My problem is when I have money it's time to have fun. I need to learn how to slow down and save. Most important I need to pay attention and quit being such an IDIOT!!!